Illuminate Your Home’s Exterior with Gemstone Lights

Experience the Difference with Premium Residential Exterior Lighting Solutions

Enhance the beauty and security of your home with our Residential Exterior Lighting solutions. Crafted with homeowners like you in mind, Gemstone Lights offers an innovative approach to home illumination, blending seamlessly with your home’s exterior to create a warm, inviting glow that enhances its architectural features.

Why Choose Our Residential Exterior Lighting

Our Residential Exterior Lighting solutions are designed to not only brighten your home’s exterior but also to add a touch of elegance and sophistication that sets your home apart. Discover the vibrant range of options available to make your home a beacon of style and safety in your neighborhood.


  • Personalized Solutions: Tailor your home’s lighting to suit your style and preferences, with a range of options from understated to bold and vibrant.

  • Easy Control: Manage your lighting preferences effortlessly with our cloud-enabled Gemstone Lights HUB app.

  • Energy Efficiency: Embrace lighting solutions that are as kind to the environment as they are to your wallet.


  • Safety and Security: Keep your home safe with well-lit exteriors that deter intruders and prevent accidents.

  • Enhanced Curb Appeal: Boost your home’s curb appeal with lighting solutions that highlight its best features.

  • Customizable: Enjoy the freedom to change your home’s lighting to suit different seasons, festivals, or moods.